Understanding each individual pupil’s unique contribution and impact
- Each and every learner is aware that they have an individual impact to make on the world so self-esteem is immediately raised, improving motivation and engagement with learning
- Self-awareness is raised, aiding meta cognition and enhancing learning
- Groupings can be more dynamic and beneficial to learners
- Learners can begin to think, earlier than they currently do, about possible career opportunities that suit their interests and unique impact. This supports them in making more informed plans for their future, giving more meaning to and context for learning
The Young People Index® is vital for understanding each individual pupil’s unique contribution to, and impact on, a team or organisation. In order for educators to understand this unique insight it is important that they are aware of their own personal impact and contribution.
This is why it is a good place to start with the school leadership team and teachers, so they understand their own individual and collective impact. This will equip school leaders and teachers with the necessary knowledge to provide meaningful feedback to their pupils, thus providing the very best personalised learning for each individual.
By taking part in The GC Index®, leaders and teachers gain a heightened awareness of their own impact and the impact of their team, and most importantly, on the young people they teach.
Furthermore, by having their pupils take part in the YPI they will be more aware of the preferences of individual learners.